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发布时间:2023-03-27       发布者:2023-03-27       浏览次数:


  崔理立,中共党员,博士,研究员职称,博士生导师。2017年广东省“神经病学”青年珠江学者,广东省“扬帆计划”培养高层次人才,湛江市A类高层次人才。2006年本科毕业于河南大学生命科学学院,2006-2012年在吉林大学生命科学学院取得生物化学与分子生物学专业硕士和博士学位,2012年到广东医科大学附属医院神经病学研究所从事研究工作、管理和本学科建设工作至今。现任广东省衰老相关心脑疾病重点实验室主任,广东省神经变性疾病与衰老研究医学重点实验室主任,广东医科大学神经病学研究所所长。2016年瑞典卡洛琳斯卡医学院交流访学、广东省“扬帆计划”培养高层次人才。2017年广东医科大学第一个也是附属医院目前唯一的青年珠江学者称号;2019年广东医科大学附属医院“登峰学者”,广东省优粤卡B卡,市A类高层次人才。工作10年期间以附院单位、以通讯/第一作者发表文章 43 篇,中科院一区期刊 11 篇,二区期刊 16 篇,IF 10分论文 8 篇,它引 1000 余次,H指数 20。主要学术兼职中国研究型医院学会神经科学专业常务委员、中国老年学和老年医学学会抗衰老分会委员、广东省医学会神经病学分会痴呆学组委员,广东省医院协会科研实验室建设与管理专委会委员等。共承担科研项目 13 项,其中国家自然科学基金 3 项,参与市科技进步一等奖 1 项,授权发明专利 5 项。学校和附院两学科ESI贡献榜第3和第7

   课题组聚焦衰老相关重大神经系统疾病的基础研究与转化。从易感基因出发,在动物、细胞、分子水平系统的探究影响一些重大神经疾病如  阿尔茨海默病发生发展的重要分子机制并进行靶点干预开发。目前主要研究方向(1)抑郁与AD的共同分子特征和相互影响;(2)ApoE等易感基因在AD发病中分子机制和干预;(3)神经胶质细胞中 No-Coding RNA在AD等神经相关疾病中的分子机制。


1)YanWang, Jing-Qi Yang, Ting-Ting Hong, Yuan-Hong Sun, Hai-Li Huang, Feng Chen,Xiong-Jin Chen, Hui-Yi Chen, Shan-Shan Dong, Li-Li Cui*(崔理立),Tie-Lin Yang*. RTN4B-mediated suppression of Sirtuin 2 activity amelioratesβ-amyloid pathology and cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease mousemodel. Aging Cell .2020. (共同通讯作者) 2020

2)HuiMai, Weihao Fan, Yan Wang, Yujie Cai, Xiaohui Li, Feng Chen, Xiongjin Chen,Jingqi Yang, Pei Tang, Huiyi Chen, Ting Zou, Tingting Hong, Conghua Wan*, BinZhao*, Lili Cui*(崔理立).Intranasal administration of microRNA-146a-5p agomir rescued the pathologicalprocess and cognitive impairment in anAlzheimer’s disease mouse model. MOLTHER-NUCL ACIDS. 2019. Oct. 10.1016/j.omtn.2019.10.002 (通讯作者) 2019

3)YanWang, Jingqi Yang, Tingting Hong, Xiongjin Chen, Lili Cui*(崔理立). SIRT2: Controversy and multiple roles in disease andphysiology.Ageing Res Rev. 2019Sep 7; 55:100961. (唯一通讯) 2019Review

4)FengChen, Yan Wang, Wenying Zhang, Yujie Cai, Tian Zhao, Hui Mai, Shoubao Tao,Wenyan Wei, Jia Li, Xiongjin Chen, Xiaohui Li, Pei Tang, Weihao Fan, JingqiYang, Mingqian Ou, Furong Lu, Zhipeng Lai, Huiyi Chen,Ting Zou, Furong Sun,Yiming Shao*, Lili Cui*(崔理立). A Functional Polymorphism-Mediated Disruption ofEGR1/ADAM10 Pathway Confers the Risk of Sepsis Progression. MBio. 2019Aug 6;10(4). (通讯作者) 2019

5)WeihaoFan, Chunmei Liang, Mingqian Ou, Ting Zou, Furong Sun, Haihong Zhou*, Lili Cui*(崔理立) .MicroRNA-146a isa wide-reaching neuroinflammatory regulator and potential treatment target inneurological diseases. Frontiers inMolecular Neuroscience DOI: 10.3389/fnmol.2020.00090(通讯作者) 2020

6)OuMQ, Fan WH, Sun FR, Jie WX, Lin MJ, Cai YJ, Liang SY, Yu YS, Li MH, Cui LL,Zhou HH.A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis ofthe Therapeutic Effect of Acupuncture on Migraine.FrontNeurol.DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2020.00596. 2020 (通讯作者) 2020

7)JianghaoZhao, Xiaohui Li, Xiongjin Chen ,Yujie Cai, Yan Wang, Wenjing Sun, Hui Mai,Jingqi Yang, Weihao Fan, Pei Tang, Mingqian Ou, Yuan Zhang, Xuemei Huang, BinZhao*, Lili Cui*(崔理立). GRK5 influences the phosphorylation of tauvia GSK3β and contributes to Alzheimer’s disease. J CellPhysiol;234(7):10411-10420. (通讯作者) 2018

8)ShaoY, Zhao T, Zhang W, He J, Lu F, Cai Y, Lai Z, Wei N, Liang C, Liu L, Hong Y,Cheng X, Li J, Tang P, Fan W, Ou M, Yang J, Liu Y, Cui L*(崔理立).Presenceof the apolipoprotein E-ε4 allele is associated with an increased risk ofsepsis progression.Sci Rep. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-72616-0. (通讯作者) 2020

9)CuiL(崔理立) , CaiY, Cheng W, Liu G, Zhao J, Cao H, Tao H, Wang Y, Yin M, Liu T, Liu Y, Huang P,Liu Z, Li K, Zhao B. A Novel, Multi-Target Natural Drug Candidate, Matrine,Improves Cognitive Deficits in Alzheimer's Disease Transgenic Mice byInhibiting Aβ Aggregation and Blocking the RAGE/Aβ Axis. MolNeurobiol. 2017 Apr;54(3):1939-1952. (第一作者) 2017

10)ZhangY, Zhao J, Yin M, Cai Y, Liu S, Wang Y, Zhang X, Cao H, Chen T, Huang P, Mai H,Liu Z, Tao H, Zhao B*, Cui L*(崔理立). The influence of two functional genetic variants of GRK5on tau phosphorylation and their association with Alzheimer's disease risk.Oncotarget. 2017 Aug 16;8(42):72714-72726. (通讯作者) 2017

11)ShaoY, He J, Chen F, Cai Y, Zhao J, Lin Y, Yin Z, Tao H, Shao X, Huang P, Yin M,Zhang W, Liu Z*, Cui L*(崔理立). Association Study Between Promoter Polymorphisms ofADAM17 and Progression of Sepsis.Cell Physiol Biochem. 2016; 39(4): 1247-61. (通讯作者) 2016

12)CuiL (崔理立)#, GaoY#, Xie Y#, Wang Y, Cai Y, Shao X, Ma X, Li Y, Ma G, Liu G, Cheng W, Liu Y, LiuT, Pan Q, Tao H, Liu Z, Zhao B, Shao Y, Li K. An ADAM10 promoter polymorphism is a functional variantin severe sepsis patients and confers susceptibility to the development ofsepsis.Crit Care. 2015 Mar 5;19:73. (第一作者) 2015

13)Chen R, Xu X, Huang L,Zhong W, Cui L*(崔理立). The Regulatory Role of Long NoncodingRNAs in Different Brain Cell Types Involved in Ischemic Stroke. Front MolNeurosci. 2019 Mar 22;12:61. (通讯作者) 2019

14)ShaoY, Shao X, He J, Cai Y, Zhao J, Chen F, Tao H, Yin Z, Tan X, He Y, Lin Y, Li K,Cui L*(崔理立). Thepromoter polymorphisms of receptor for advanced glycation end products wereassociated with the susceptibility and progression of sepsis. Clin Genet. 2017Apr;91(4):564-575. (通讯作者) 2017

15)CuiL (崔理立), ZhangY, Cao H, Wang Y, Teng T, Ma G, Li Y, Li K, Zhang Y. Ferulic acid inhibits the transition of amyloid-β42monomers to oligomers but accelerates the transition from oligomers to fibrils. JAlzheimers Dis. 2013;37(1):19-28. (第一作者)2013

16)XuZhou, Hua Tao*, Yujie Cai, Lili Cui*(崔理立), Bin Zhao, Keshen Li.Stage‐dependent involvement of ADAM10 and its significance in epilepticseizures. J Cell Mol Med. 2019 May 13. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.14307. (并列通讯作者) 2019

17)ShaoY, Chen F, Chen Y, Zhang W, Lin Y, Cai Y, Yin Z, Tao S, Liao Q, Zhao J, Mai H,He Y, He J*, Cui L*(崔理立) . Association between genetic polymorphisms in theautophagy-related 5 gene promoter and the risk of sepsis. SciRep. 2017 Aug 24;7(1):9399. (通讯作者) 2017

18)YanWang, YuJie Cai, Haili Huang, Xiongjin Chen, Xiaoyi Chen, Xiaoting Chen, HuiMai, Xiaohui Li, Jianghao Zhao, Jingqi Yang, Weihao Fan, Pei Tang, Yusen Chen,Keshen Li*, Lili Cui*(崔理立).MiR-486-3p influences the neurotoxicity of a-synuclein by targeting the SIRT2gene and the polymorphisms at target sites contributing to Parkinson’s disease.Cell Physiol Biochem. 2018 Dec 12;51(6):2732-2745. (通讯作者) 2018

19)XiongjinChen, HuiMai, Xiaoting Chen, Yujie Cai, Qiufei Cheng, Xiaoyi Chen, Xiaohui Li,Weihao Fan, Pei Tang, Mingqian Ou, Jingqi Yang, Yusen Chen* and Lili Cui*(崔理立). Rs2015 Polymorphism in miRNA TargetSite of Sirtuin2 Gene Is Associated with the Risk of Parkinson’s Disease inChinese Han Population. BioMed Research International. 2019:1498034. (通讯作者) 2019

20)HuangP, Cai Y, Zhao B*, Cui L*(崔理立). Roles of NUCKS1 in Diseases: Susceptibility, PotentialBiomarker, and Regulatory Mechanisms. Biomed Res Int.2018 Jan 29; 2018: 7969068. (通讯作者) 2018

21)TaoH, Zhao J, Liu T, Cai Y, Zhou X, Xing H, Wang Y, Yin M, Zhong W, Liu Z, Li K,Zhao B, Zhou H*, Cui L*(崔理立). Intranasal Delivery of miR-146a Mimics Delayed SeizureOnset in the Lithium-Pilocarpine Mouse Model. Mediators Inflamm.2017;:6512620.IF: 3.2320. (通讯作者) 2017

22)MoJJ, Liu LY, Peng WB, Rao J, Liu Z*, Cui L*(崔理立). The effectiveness of creatine treatment for Parkinson'sdisease: an updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMCNeurol. 2017 Jun 2;17(1):105. (通讯作者) 2017

23)ZhongH, Cai Y, Cheng J, Cai D, Chen L, Su C, Li K, Chen P, Xu J*, Cui L*(崔理立). Apolipoprotein E Epsilon 4 Enhances the Associationbetween the rs2910164 Polymorphism of miR-146a and Risk of AtheroscleroticCerebral Infarction. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2016 Jul 1;23 (7):819-29. (通讯作者) 2016

24)CuiL(崔理立) #, TaoH#, Wang Y#, Liu Z, Xu Z, Zhou H, Cai Y, Yao L, Chen B, Liang W, Liu Y, ChengW, Liu T, Ma G, Li Y, Zhao B, Li K.A functional polymorphism of the microRNA-146a gene isassociated with susceptibility to drug-resistant epilepsy and seizuresfrequency.Seizure. 2015 Apr; 27:60-5.(第一作者) 2015

25)CuiL(崔理立)#, LiY#, Ma G, Wang Y, Cai Y, Liu S, Chen Y, Li J, Xie Y, Liu G, Zhao B, Li K.A functional polymorphism in the promoter region ofmicroRNA-146a is associated with the risk of Alzheimer disease and the rate ofcognitive decline in patients. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 25; 9(2):e89019.(第一作者)2014

26)Cui L(崔理立)#, Huang X#, Wang J, Zhang Y.Specific and efficient anti- Aβ42 antibodies induced by sixteen tandem repeatsof Aβ9. Journal of Neuroimmunology.2010 227, 18–25. (第一作者)2010

27)HeJ, Chen Y, Lin Y, Zhang W, Cai Y, Chen F, Liao Q, Yin Z, Wang Y, Tao S, Lin X,Huang P, Cui L*(崔理立) , ShaoY*. Association study of MCP-1 promoterpolymorphisms with the susceptibility and progression of sepsis. PLoSOne. 2017 May 4;12(5):e0176781. (并列通讯作者) 2017

28)ZhaoJ, Tao H, Xian W, Cai Y, Cheng W, Yin M, Liang G, Li K, Cui L*(崔理立) , ZhaoB*. A Highly Selective Inhibitor of GlycineTransporter-1 Elevates the Threshold for Maximal Electroshock-Induced TonicSeizure in Mice. Biol Pharm Bull. 2016;39(2):174-80. (并列通讯作者) 2016

29)ShaoY, Li J, Cai Y, Xie Y, Ma G, Li Y, Chen Y, Liu G, Zhao B, Cui L*(崔理立), LiK*. The functional polymorphisms of miR-146aare associated with susceptibility to severe sepsis in the Chinese population.Mediators Inflamm. 2014:916202. (并列通讯作者) 2014

30)LiY, Yang C, Ma G, Gu X, Chen M, Chen Y, Zhao B, Cui L*(崔理立), LiK*. Association of polymorphisms of thereceptor for advanced glycation end products gene with COPD in the Chinesepopulation. DNA Cell Biol. 2014 Apr; 33(4):251-8. (并列通讯作者) 2014

31)TaoH#, Cui L(崔理立) #, LiY, Zhou X, Ma G, Yao L, Fu J, Li W, Cai Y, Zhou H, Zhong W, Zhang S, Xu Z, LiK, Zhao B. Association of Tag SNPs and Rare CNVs ofthe MIR155HG/miR-155 Gene with Epilepsy in the Chinese Han Population. BiomedRes Int. 2015; 2015:837213. (并列第一作者)2015

32)Li Y#, Cui L(崔理立)#, Li QQ, Ma GD, Cai YJ, Chen YY, Gu XF, Zhao B, Li KS. Associationbetween ADAM17 promoter polymorphisms and ischemic stroke in a Chinesepopulation. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2014;21(8):878-93.(并列第一作者)2014


(1) miR-122及其抑制剂在预防/治疗放射性脑损伤中的应用。申请号:202010479483.3申请日:2020-05-29。申请人:崔理立,周海红,孙芙蓉,欧铭乾。



(4)一种用于治疗阿尔茨海默氏病的抗原多肽及多肽基因。国别:中国。授权日:2012.06.27。授权号: CN101481421 B。作者:张应玖,王嘉鹏,崔理立。

(5)一种用于治疗阿尔茨海默氏病的抗原蛋白及蛋白基因。国别:中国。授权日:2012.05.30。授权号: CN101486768 B。作者:张应玖,黄雪媚,崔理立。




3.MicroRNA靶向SIRT2 对α- 突触核蛋白聚集状态的影响及其靶点多态性与帕金森病的关联研究(81401061)。国家自然科学基金青年项目         22万。2015.01-2017.12,结题


5.载脂蛋白E调控microRNA 对AD中星形胶质细胞炎症应答的机制研究(2017A030307039)。广东省科技发展专项资金-粤东西北创新人才联合培养项目,10万。2017.05-2020.05,结题。



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